
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TWD: Popovers

Today's Tuesday's with Dorie recipe made me very very happy. It wasn't because popovers are delicious- although they are. It wasn't even because they went perfectly with the big salad lunch we had before leaving for the airport to come to Brazil- although they did. It was because as I woke up the morning of our trip and realized I still had to make this recipe to post while I was away, they took me about five minutes to throw together, enough time to get dressed and ready to go while they baked, and could (and should) be eaten hot out of the oven. How delicious they are was just the cherry on top ;)

This recipe is definitely one that I'll be making plenty of times in the future for a quick side dish or breakfast. I loved eating them with this honey butter, or with some sort of jelly. Thanks to the great hosts this week: Paula of Vintage Kitchen Notes and Amy of Bake with Amy. As always, the recipe can be found on their blogs or in Baking with Julia.
Enjoy! <3


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